Saturday, May 24, 2008

Our Australian Neighbors

A couple emus pause for a photo (113/365)


Jen said...

Have you ever eaten emu? I have. Emu jerky, to be exact. I would never have guessed it was emu. But then, who knows what jerky is, really. Maybe it's all made of emu. The other red meat.

JT said...

Hmmm... no, I've never eaten emu, at least as far as I know. How was it?

In fact, I've never even eaten jerky.


bryan said...

i've had ostrich steak. i'd imagine it's not much different. meat of the future, i tell you...

bryan said...

oh, and go buy jerky now! i recommend beef...

JT said...

I guess I'm just shy of 'meat' products that are shrinkwrapped and stored at room temperature.

bryan said...

i'm not advocating slim jim's here, but find a reputable dealer and you won't be sorry. you may need to took to the south for this one. or *shudder* california.

i would avoid poultry, personally.

Anonymous said...

I think I work with that guy!